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How to increase and improve the speed of your website?

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Technology plays an important role in our lives in terms of education, updates, work, and business. People invented different modern tools and equipment to adapt to technology and modernization. Computers, laptops, gadgets, and other machines were also created for the benefits of the people. As the world is more developing by adapting modernization, people are more into internet browsing and social media exposures and updates and developing more inventions.

Some business owners make internet browsing profitable for them.

Some are just browsing the internet when they are up to. In terms of browsing, web performance really matters in every web user. Remember that the fastest websites are more profitable.

Web performance refers to the speed in which web pages are directly receiving data or information that are ready to download and display on the user's web browser. A page speed defines as a measurement of how fast the page loads or for how long does it take to receives bytes of information to display the data from the server. That is why web performance also plays an important role in terms of user experience. The web performance may also greatly affect the user experience especially if pages take a longer load time. Google has a special program to check the speed of your website. If you're a frequent user of internet browsing, take a look at this article to learn more about how to increase and improve the speed of your website.

Use Gzip Compression

You can use a Gzip that will help you compresses your files for the user's browser to reduce the size of your CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files, and then the user takes care of uncompressing them. Since the end-user is not loading as much data from the server, it will result in faster load time. If you still want to retain control over the quality of the image, you can use Photoshop to compress the image files.

Reduce CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

Another way to increase the page speed is by optimizing the code including removing the unnecessary characters. Also, you can remove the code comments, formatting, and unused code. CSSNano and Uglify JS are highly recommended by Google.

Resizing the Image and/or Optimize Your Images/CSS Sprite Tools

The size of the images also affects the load time of a website. Make sure that the images are not larger than they need to be and that they are in the right file format and compressed for the web. Your site is loading full-size images, and scaling them down to size or the images themselves are not optimized for the web. You can use the CSS sprites to create a template for images and it can combine the images into one large image that loads all at once and only display the selected sections you want to show. You can also resize the images by using Photoshop, Paint, Microsoft Picture Manager, Pixlr, and many more, just try to use legit ones.

Tools for Measuring Page Speed

There are tons of speed tools to measure and boost your page speed. You can then see the pages that you need to improve. Try to use Google Analytics by sorting it to load time and page views. Tools such as Pingdom Website Speed Test, GTmetrix Performance Report, Google Chrome (Inspect Element), garage door repair Henderson, Google Page Speed Tools – Page Speed Insights/Chrome Extension, are also helpful to use.

Reduce Redirect Pages

As much as possible, reduce redirecting pages because it will make your page load slower.

Avoid and minimize the use of blocking JavaScript Caching your Browser

Since the browser cached a lot of information after you used it, caching can also be a good way of preserving the pages you want so the browser doesn't have to reload the entire page, like this it will also reduce the load time.

Improve the Server Response Time

Try to fix your slow database queries, slow routing, or a lack of adequate memory to improve your server response time.

Use a Content Distribution Network (CDN)

You can use the CDN to distribute the load of delivering content.

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