What is the Best SEO Company?
How to Choose the Best SEO Company?
The competition to position yourself on the first page of search engine results is becoming increasingly fierce. Realizing the importance of SEO, companies call on SEO agencies to ensure they have good positioning. It is therefore important to know exactly what the roles of an SEO expert are and on what occasions to use their service.
As the business of SEO agencies is still in its infancy, many freelancers are taking advantage of this new niche and offering cheap offers. However, their services do not always produce the expected results. Choosing an SEO agency is therefore a delicate task.
What is the Role of an Organic SEO Company?
Website SEO includes the consideration of several parameters. The work done on the website must not only attract Internet users, it must also “please” Internet users but also google search engines to be well ranked. Since SEO is a profession in its own right, web SEO agencies have emerged.
Often, owners design their website without taking into account the principles of Google organic SEO. They only think about their positioning once the pages are online. This is a common mistake. Webmasters and SEO experts have different but not incompatible roles.
Indeed, starting to cooperate with an SEO agency during the creation of the site costs 20 to 40% less than waiting for the end of the design. In addition, the estimated performance is 10 to 30% higher.

If you are in the situation of having to do organic SEO after the redesign of your website, the agency will start by carrying out an SEO technical audit. From the findings she will have drawn, she develops long-term SEO strategies by working on the keywords and optimizing the content of the site.
The agency also takes care of the technical improvement on site which consists in the optimization of the loading time, tree structure, tags, rewriting of url, robots.txt, structured data, etc... the goal is to settle all the blocking points in the indexing of web pages. These will make the site more relevant and highlight the keywords. Writing optimized content is essential to be visible on competitive keywords. Finally, link building is an excellent way to maintain the popularity of the site.
As observations are made during SEO tracking and analysis, there are updates, fixes, and changes to be made. Additionally, Google changes its algorithms at least 400 times a year.
To stay in the first results of search engines, you must not rest on your laurels, but always seek to improve your digital strategy.
How to Find a Google SEO Agency?
The choice to use organic SEO agencies rather than relying on one's own skills is based on their expertise, SEO software and their know-how in the field. These entities know how to analyze the sector and implement relevant organic SEO strategies. In addition, they cover all aspects of the campaign and go so far as to improve your popularity on social networks.
Paid or organic SEO. We speak of organic SEO as opposed to paid SEO, although the two remain complementary. The first does not bring immediate results. It can take more than 4 months before seeing the effects of the actions taken.
The advantage, however, is that the benefits last as long as you maintain and update your WordPress CMS.
For all these reasons, there are some important criteria to take into account when choosing the agency to entrust with the SEO of your site:
First, SEO is a profession in its own right. Do not leave it to the care of your communication agency, which will delegate it to a subcontractor. Good SEO is worth more qualified traffic to you, therefore more prospects. Don't skimp on resources. The services of a quality provider may seem expensive, but they are worth it (average price of an SEO service is around $600-$1,000 per month). Find out first about how to proceed with the SEO agency in question and the duration of their service (minimum 1 year).
For a site addressing a specific geographical area, there are local SEO agencies. Ask for examples of their work to gauge their experience and find out if they are following Google's guidelines. A good web agency will offer complementary web-marketing and consulting services to generate quality traffic and a better conversion rate. The SEO specialist must communicate with your webmaster and not work in isolation.
You have received several SEO quotes, and you do not know how to make your choice?
Here are some tips and questions to ask yourself when comparing SEO offers:
An SEO Audit of the Site
Is it an audit on the whole site, or only the Home page and a few internal pages? Will the personalized recommendations be well indicated?
Are the SEO optimization recommendations put in place by your webmaster or by the organic SEO agency?
Semantic Study
This study consists of determining the right keywords in relation to your objectives and especially your targets. What SEO tools do they use to do this semantic study? Do they do long-tail keyword analysis of your competitors?
Content Writing
Optimizing the content of your site is no longer enough to be visible. If the SEO agency is serious, it must offer you to write content through landing pages or articles on your blog. How many articles does he write? An article of how many words (minimum 500 words)

You have received several SEO quotes, and you do not know how to make your choice?
Here are some tips and questions to ask yourself when comparing SEO offers:
An SEO Audit of the Site
Is it an audit on the whole site, or only the Home page and a few internal pages? Will the personalized recommendations be well indicated?
Are the SEO optimization recommendations put in place by your webmaster or by the organic SEO agency?
Semantic Study
This study consists of determining the right keywords in relation to your objectives and especially your targets. What SEO tools do they use to do this semantic study? Do they do long-tail keyword analysis of your competitors?
Content Writing
Optimizing the content of your site is no longer enough to be visible. If the SEO agency is serious, it must offer you to write content through landing pages or articles on your blog. How many articles does he write? An article of how many words (minimum 500 words)

To improve the popularity of your site (= DA authority domain) external links must be provided by the SEO agency. It is not the quantity that is important, but the quality. For this, the link must be contextualized = link in a text. In addition to backlinks, an internal mesh must be set up. How does the agency proceed to create these links? Do they have a blogger network? In your industry?
Monitoring and Reporting
SEO takes time. Therefore, monitoring is essential to assess the return on investment of a organic SEO strategy.
To know:
The quantity and quality of leads in relation to the keywords positioned.
What are tracking apps? Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Semrush, etc.?
Is the follow-up monthly? Is it quarterly? Are you followed by an organic SEO consultant? What kind of reporting will you receive?
In Conclusion
I hope this information will help you make your choice. The best SEO agency will be the one that meets your SEO projects, needs, and budget. Without a marketing smokescreen. Without promising you the moon.
There is no magic code to be visible!